Lab year in review: 2023-2024
We had several lab milestones this year. Dr. Reinbergs presented on non-fatal firearm injuries at the IASR/AFSP International Summit on Suicide Research in Barcelona. A preprint of the manuscript of this work is available here.

Carmen Ibarra published the lab's first article, an examination of whether Texas school districts are following guidance to include suicide prevention information on their websites.
Jay Short became the first doctoral graduate of the lab. His dissertation examined interpersonal aspects of psychological flexibility (the underlying construct of acceptance and commitment therapy, ACT).

Charmaine Flakes presented her first conference poster. She replicated the finding that Black high school students are much more likely to skip suicide attempt questions on the national youth risk behavior survey than their white peers. We hope to submit this work for publication shortly!

In addition to Carmen's publication, Dr. Reinbergs also had three other manuscripts published this year—including an article published in Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior that examined the suicide risks associated with firearm carrying in the youth risk behavior survey data. He currently has four other manuscripts and one book chapter under review. Dr. Reinbergs again participated in a summit with the Jordan Elizabeth Harris Foundation that included leading researchers in suicidology. Dr. Reinbergs also gave an invited talk on youth firearm suicide at the UT Southwestern Center for Depression Research and Clinical Care.
The biggest lab news, however, is bittersweet. The lab is officially moving to a new home at Utah State University this summer. This will mean a host of exciting new opportunities, but also leaving wonderful colleagues and students at UHCL.
On a lighter closing note, lab dog Tessy made her first program event appearance. She was a very good girl.